Schedule Public Training Oil and Gas Schedule


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Training Oil and Gas merupakan kompetensi sekaligus bekal skill untuk anda yang ingin berkarir dalan dunia perindustrian oil dan gas. Tentunya untuk bisa berkarir di perusahaan oil and gas adalah dambaan setiap orang terutama dengan latar belakang profesi engineer atau latar belakang pendidikan keteknikan. Seperti kita ketahui di Indonesia saja banyak berdiri perusahaan oil and gas termasuk juga para kontraktor pendukung operasionalnya. Hal inilah yang menjadikan kebutuhan karyawan dalam sektor industri oil and gas terus meningkat dari tahun ketahun. Beberapa perusahaan tersebut diantaranya adalah seperti PT Pertamina, Chevron, Total EP, Conocophilips, Petrocina, LNG Tangguh dan lain sebagainya, dari tahun ke tahun terus mengembangkan sektor bisnisnya yang berdampak kepada kebutuhan karyawan dengan latar belakang engineer/non engineer terus meningkat. Belum ditambah lagi gaji yang di tawarkan sangat jauh lebih besar jika di bandingkan dengan  industri-industri lainnya. Dengan berkarir di dunia oil and gas bagi anda yang pemula saja sudah diatas 10 juta akan anda kantongi perbulanya, belum lagi jika anda adalah seorang tenaga ahli dengan pengalaman yang cukup lama, pastinya tiap bulannya puluhan juta sudah tidak ragu lagi akan anda kantongi jika berkarir di sektor oil and gas

Tentunya untuk mecapai itu semua, tidak semata prestasi saja yang harus anda perhatikan pada saat ingin berkarir di dunia oil and gas. Karena dengan bermodal itu saja tidak akan cukup, mengingat persaingan yang kini cukup ketat penting bagi anda untuk meningkatkan kompetensi-kompetensi ataupun skill pendukung dalam industri oil and gas. Berbagai Training Oil and Gas beserta spesifik kompetensi pendukung lainnya perlu anda kuasai, baik dari segi engineer maupun process untuk bisa bersaing dalam kompetisi karir di oil and gas yang sangat ketat. Dimana Training Oil and Gas merupakan nilai lebih sekaligus daya jual anda pada saat ingin berkecimpung dalam dunia oil anda gas, dimana dengan Training Oil and Gas tersebut diharapkan anda lebih mampu dan siap untuk memulai aktifitas kerja sebagai praktisi.

Dilihat dari kebutuhannya dan sektor bidang dalam perindustrian oil and gas, akan banyak pelatihan ataupun kursus oil and gas yang harus anda ketahui dan ikuti, diantaranya dalam berbagai bidang seperti di bawah ini silahkan klik untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Design Engineering:

  1. Training Simulasi Plant HYSYS
  2. Training SACS
  3. Training Piping Stress Analysis
  4. Training ETAP
  5. Training PDMS
  6. Training Piping Drafting
  7. Training Electrical Drafting



  1. Training Blowout Prevention and Well Control
  2. Training Advanced Drilling
  3. Training Material Knowledge for Drilling & Production Operation
  4. Training production Logging
  5. Training Production Logging and Reservoir Monitoring
  6. Training Oil and Gas Horizontal Well
  7. Training Wireline Technology
  8. Training Mud Design and Problem Solving
  9. Training Basic Drilling and Completion Operation With Health, Safety, Enviromental Consideration 
  10. Training Basic Drilling Engineering
  11. Training Drilling Engineering and Well Planing
  12. Training Drilling Main Equipment Operations For drilling Crew
  13. Training Stuck Pipe 

b. Completion

  1. Training Well Completion and Well Intervention
  2. Training Well Completion and Work Over
  3. Training Drilling Well Completion And Work Over

c. Logging

  1. Training Basic Log Interpretation
  2. Training Modern Hydrocarbon Well Production Logging data analysis and Interpretation
  3. Training Cased Hole Production Logging 
  4. Training Modern Well Log Interpretation


a. Basic Exploration

b. Geophysic

c. Geology


  1. Training Gas Management System
  2. Training Energy Solution
  3. Training Production Operation Management For Managers 

4. HSE

  1. Training Basic Surface Safety System
  2. Training Work Over, Well Service and HSE


Petroleum Engineering

  1. Training Basic Petroleum Operation
  2. Training Basic Petroleum Engineering Practice
  3. Training Basic Petroleum Engineering
  4. Training Petroleum Engineering and Geoscience Statistics 
  5. Training Petroleum Engineering for Non-Engineering
  6. Training Petroleum and Petroleum Operation


a. Production Engineering

  1. Training Production Optimization and Minimizing Downtime 
  2. Training Artificial Lift Design and Optimization
  3. Training Beam (Sucker Rod) Pump
  4. Training Oil and Gas Production Operation for field personnel 
  5. Training Nodal Analysis and Production Optimization 
  6. Training Pengelolaan lapangan Mature, Tehnik & Strategi Meningkatkan Produksi
  7. Training Peningkatan Produksi Migas 
  8. Training Practical Aspect Of Artifial Lift Methods for Hydrocardbon Production System
  9. Training Practical Pumping Metdods For Petroleum Production System
  10. Training Production Operation and Problem solving
  11. Training Production Optimization and Minimizing Downtime 
  12. Training Production Optimization Using Nodal Analysis
  13. Training production Well Handling
  14. Training Production Well handling,Separation & Measurement 
  15. Training Subsurface and production Downhole
  16. Training Acidizing and Fracturing for Well Stimulation
  17. Training Daily Well Management
  18. Training Gas Lift Operation & Trouble Shooting
  19. Training Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electric Control System
  20. Training Intelligent Pigging
  21. Training Oil lost Control Management
  22. Training Oil Measurement
  23. Training Petroleum System Evaluation Using Nodal Analysis 
  24. Training Well Optimization Artificial Lift, Gas Lift, Well Optimization, Troubleshooting
  25. Training Basic Production Engineering
  26. Training Electric Submersible Pumping 
  27. Training Pump : ESP, Hydraulic and Sucker Rod
  28. Training Formation Damage and Stimulation Practice
  29. Training Formation Damage in Oil Gas Wells and Stimulation by Acidizing and hydraulic Fracturing
  30. Training Pengukuran Tangki darat,Tangki laut dan Perhitungan Kehilangan Minyak
  31. Training Cased Hole Production Logging
  32. Training API 571 Corrosion & Materials Professional

b. Processing

  1. Training Production Surface Facility Production,Process,Surface Equipment & its Operation
  2. Training Natural Gas Transportation & Utilization
  3. Training Oil and Gas Surface Production Operation Facilities and Maintenance
  4. Training Production Downhole and Surface Facilities and Equipments
  5. Training Pump and Turbine Selection,Design and Operation for Oil and Gas Production Facilities
  6. Training Surface Production Equipment and Tools
  7. Training Advance Scale Prevention and water Technology 
  8. Training Applied Water Technology
  9. Training Condensate & Water Distribution System
  10. Training Crude Oil Stabilisation System
  11. Training Gas Conditioning and Processing Facilities
  12. Training Gas Handling, Conditioning and Processing
  13. Training Gas Processing Calculation
  14. Training Gas Technology and Operation
  15. Training Inventory Of Oil and Gas
  16. Training Mayor Oil and Gas Equipments
  17. Training Natural Gas process and Instrumentation
  18. Training Oil and Gas Dehydration System
  19. Training Scale in oil field Water
  20. Training Surface Subsurface Oil and Gas Equipments and Facilities 
  21. Training Valves and Chocke
  22. Training Gas Lift Operation & Trouble Shooting
  23. Training Gas Processing Principles Operation
  24. Training Land and Ship Tank Measurement and Oil Lesses Calculation
  25. Training Oil Gas and Water Handling Facilities

c. Instrumentation

  1. Training Gas Detection and Flow Measurement
  2. Training Principles and practice of Flow Measurements  
  3. Training Oil,Gas and Water Handling Facilities

d. Maintenace

  1. Training Surface Production System & Trouble Shooting
  2. Training Gas Plant Operation and Maintenance


a. Petrophysics

  1. Training Fundamentals of Petrophysics
  2. Training Quantitative Log Analysis and Petrophysics

b. Reservoir Engineering

  1. Training Basic Reservoir Engineering
  2. Training Reservoir Engineering For Other Diciplines
  3. Training Reservoir Fluid Analysis
  4. Training Downhole Production Modern Well Testing and Pressure Analysis
  5. Training Advanced Formation Evaluation
  6. Training Formation Evaluation Intermediate
  7. Training Integrated Petroleum Reservoir Management
  8. Training Integrated Petroleum Reservoir Operation
  9. Training Well Service Opertaion and Well Testing
  10. Training PVT and Reservoir Fluid Analysis
  11. Training Quantitave log Analysis and Petrophysics 
  12. Training Well Test Design and Analysis
  13. Training Well Testing Practical and Analysis
  14. Training Integrated Reservoir Modeling 
  15. Training Gas Production Engineering
  16. Training Reservoir,Well Test,Survellanvance,Production System Processing and Facilities Of Natural Gas
  17. Training Gas Reservoir and Field Production
  18. Training Integrated Petroleum Reservoir Operation
  19. Training Basic Reservoir for Non-Reservoir Engineer

c. EOR

  1. Training Well Injection Production And Reservoir Synergetic System For Steam Flood Processe
  2. Training Enhanced Oil Recovery Technology To Boost Production
  3. Training Water Flooding Basic Theory and Operation


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