Training Reservoir Fluid Analysis


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Hydrocarbon systems found in petroleum reservoirs are known to display multi-phase behavior over wide ranges of pressure and temperatures. The most important phases which is occur in petroleum reservoirs are: liquid phase (crude oil or condensates) and gas phase (natural gases).  This course will explain the fundamentals of hydrocarbon phase behavior and practical application in reservoir and production engineering. Firstly it will reviews the principles of phase behavior and ilustrate the use of phase diagram in describing the volumetric behavior of single-component, two-component, and multi-component system.

Also it will present numerous mathematical and graphical correlation for estimating physical and critical properties of the undefined petroleum fraction, evaluation of properties of natural gases and introduces their application in Darcy’s equation and material balance equation.  A complete and cohesive independent unit on methods of determining the crude oil physical properties , presents the concept and application of  vapor-liquid phase equilibria, developments and advanced in the field of empirical cubic equation of state and application in petroleum engineering. Details sceheme of splitting and lumping of petroleum-fraction.

Properly understanding the reservoir fluid properties is very significant and are very importance steps  during the entire life of the oil and reservoir developments and operations. This five-day training will provide a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of reservoir fluid properties and application to reservoir and production engineering to keep exellent reservoir and production performance as long as possible.


  • Refresh the knowledge of the participants on reservoir fluid properties.
  • Understand the basic principles of hydrocarbon phase behavior and it’s application in petroleum engineering.
  • Learn the numerous mathematical and graphical correlation for estimating physical and critical properties of the undefined petroleum fraction
  • Enhance the knowledge on hydrocarbon phase behavior , freservoir fluid properties and application.
  • Gain additional knowledge on reasent technology in reservoir fluid properties calculation and correlation.
  • Knowledge sharing among the participants and instructors


Basic Phase Behavior

  • Single Component  Systems
  • Two Component  Systems
  • Multy Component  Systems
  • Classification of Reservoir and Reservoir Fluids

Pure Component Physical Properties and Characterizing Undefined Petroleum Fraction

  • General Correlation for Estimating Physical Properties of Hydrocarbon Fraction
  • Critical Compressibility Factors
  • Characterizing Hydrocarbon Heavy Fractions
  • Determining of Physical Properties of Heavy Petroleum Fraction from Correlation

Properties of Natural Gases

  • Behavior of Ideal Gases
  • Ideal Gas Mixtures
  • Properties of Ideal Gas Mixtures
  • Behavior of Real Gases
  • Effect of Non Hydrocarbon Components on the Z-Factor
  • Correction for Non Hydrocarbons
  • Correction for High-Molecular-Weight Gases
  • Direct Calculation of Compressibilty Factors
  • Compressibility of Natural Gases
  • Gas Formation Volume Factor
  • Gas Viscosity
  • Engineering Application of natural gases PVT Properties

Phase Behavior of Crude Oils

  • Crude Oil Density and Specific Gravity
  • Methods for Determining Density of Crude Oils as Unknown Composition
  • Methods for Determining Density of Liquids as Unknown Composition
  • Isothermal Compressibility Coefficient of Undersaturated Crude Oils
  • Density of Undersarurated Crude Oils
  • Gas Solubility
  • Oil Formation Factor of Undersaturated Crude Oils
  • Total Formation Volume Factor
  • Total System Isothermal Compressibility Coefficient
  • Crude Oil Viscosity
  • Bubble Point and Surface Tension
  • Application of the Crude Oil PVT P
  • The Material Balance Equation for Oil Reservoirs

Vapor-Liquid Phase Equilibria

  • Equilibrium Ratio
  • Flash Calculation
  • Application of Equilibrium Ratio in Petroleum Engineering

Equation of State

  • The General ized Form of Equation of State
  • Application of Equation of State for Petroleum Engineering
  • Three-Phase Equilibrium Calculation

Splitting Lumping Schemes of Petroleum Fraction

  • Splitting Schemes
  • Lumping Schemes
  • Simulation of Laboratory PVT Data by Equation of State


3 Day


Normal Class

  • Sertifikat, Modul (Soft dan Hard Copy) Flash disc, Training kit (Ballpoint Tas jinjing), Tas Ransel, Jacket, Lunch, 2x Coffe break, foto bersama dan pelatihan dilaksanakan di Hotel berbintang.

Online Class

  • Softcopy Modul dan Sertifikat


Call : 021 756 3091

Fax : 021 756 3291


0813 8280 7230, 0812 8931 1641

Email: [email protected]


Schedule Training Reservoir Fluid Analysis Year 2024:

  • 20-22 Mei 2024 Bogor
  • 18-20 Juni 2024 Bali
  • 15-17 Juli 2024 Jakarta
  • 19-21 Agustus 2024 Bandung
  • 17-19 September 2024 Yogyakarta
  • 21-23 Oktober 2024 Bandung
  • 18-20 November 2024 Surabaya
  • 16-18 Desember 2024 Bogor

Investation (Not Include Hotel Acomodation) :

Online Class

  • Rp 5.500.000/peserta (Online Zoom Meeting)

Normal Class

  • Rp. 11.000.000,-/peserta (Jakarta)
  • Rp. 11.000.000-/peserta (Bandung)
  • Rp. 12.000.000,-/peserta (Yogyakarta)
  • Rp. 14.000.000,-/peserta (Bali)
  • Rp. 14.750.000,-/peserta (Lombok)
  • US$ 4780/peserta (Malaysia)

Available on request for time, place and facilities call us for more information

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