Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Training Integrated Petroleum Reservoir Management – The root of petroleum reservoir management are to be found in the reservoir engineering, taken in its broadest sense as the technology that deals wit the movement of fluid into, out of and through the geological formation of the earth by means of wells and well systems. Reservoir management and reservoir engineering are not identical. Reservoir management infers the existence of goals toward which the reservoir technology is directed. At the hearth of reservoir management is the idea that the technological implementation to achieve those goals will be specific to each individual reservoir. This point is emphasized throughout the course by means of examples and cases histories.
Although elements of petroleum reservoir management have been practiced almost since reservoirs were first recognized, the concept of an integrated approach took from only within the past one or two decades. Many individual articles and at least one manual on the subject have been published in the open literature, and it is probable that proprietary presentations of reservoir management concepts are to be found within the internal libraries of some oil and gas-producing companies.
This course brings out the importance of the reservoir model and discusses its uses, not only as a tool for integrating the total database that is available on a reservoir, but also for predicting the consequences of alternate future constraints and / or implementation procedures that might be invoked. In sort, the individual reservoir has its formalized expression in the model that is constructed to simulate it.
The course also emphasizes that petroleum reservoir management depends upon teamwork and continuous interaction among team players whose expertise may include specializations such as geology, geophysics, drilling, logging, well behavior, recovery mechanisms, subsurface fluid behavior, production operation, facilities engineering, economics, decision strategy, environmental issues and other applicable subjects. The manner in which the team players are brought together, the formulation of a plant, its periodic revision, and its evaluation are presented as parts of the reservoir management process to ensure effective use of technological spectrum that is available to the team.
Integrated Petroleum Reservoir Management will serve persons who come to petroleum reservoir management from different background. Its aim is to present the integrated picture. It provide an overview of a very complex subject, discussing the overall framework of concepts without dwelling in depth on subject matter details that lie within the provinces of individual experts who make up a reservoir management team. It is a timely addition to the literature of petroleum technology.
Integrated petroleum reservoir management has received significant attention in recent years. Various panel, forum, seminar, and technical sessions have provided the framework for information sharing and the exchange of ideas concerning many practical aspects of integrated, sound reservoir management. The need to enhance recovery from the vast amount of remaining oil and gas-in-place in theUnited Statesand elsewhere, plus the global competition, requires better reservoir management practices.
Historically, some from of reservoir management has been practiced when a major expenditure is planned, such as a new field development or water flood installation. The reservoir management studies in these instances where not integrated (i.e., different disciplines, did their own work separately). During the past 20 years, however, a greater emphasis has been placed on synergism between engineering and geosciences. However despite the emphasis, progress on integration has been slow.
Chapter 1. Introduction
- Sound Reservoir Management
- Scope and Objective
- Organization
Chapter 2. Reservoir Management Concepts
- Definition of Reservoir Management
- History of Reservoir Management
- Fundamentals of Reservoir Management
- Synergy and Team
- Integration of Geoscience and Engineering
- Integrating Exploration and Development Technology
Chapter 3. Reservoir Management Process
- Setting Goals
- Developing Plan & Economics
- Implementation
- Surveillance and Monitoring
- Evaluation
- Revision of Plans & Strategies
- Reasons for Failure of Reservoir Management Program
- Reservoir Management Case Studies
Chapter 4. Data Acquisition,Analysis and Management
- Data Types
- Data Acquisition and Analysis
- Data Validation
- Data Storing and Retrieval
- Data Application
- Example Data
Chapter 5. Reservoir Model
- Role of Reservoir Model
- Geosciences
- Seismic Data
- Geostatistics
- Engineering
- Integration
- Case Studies
Chapter 6. Reservoir Performance Analysis and Forecast
- Natural Producing Mechanisms
- Reserves
- Volumetric Method
- Decline Curve Method
- Material Balance Method
- Mathematical Simulation
Chapter 7. Reservoir Management Economics
- Economic Criteria
- Scenarios
- Data
- Economic Evaluation
- Risk and Uncertainties
- Economics Optimization Example
Chapter 8. Improved Recovery Processes
- Waterflooding
- Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes
- EOR Process Concepts
- Thermal Methods
- Chemical Methods
- Miscible Methods
- EOR Screening Guidelines
Chapter 9. Reservoir Management Case Studies
- North Ward Estes Field andColumbusGray Lease
- McAllen Ranch Field
- Brassey Oil Field
- Means San Andres Unit
- Teak Field
- Esso Malaysia Field
Chapter 10. Reservoir Management Plans
- Newly Discovered Field
- Secondary and EOR Operated Field
Chapter 11. Conclusions
- The State of the Art
- Importance of Integrative Reservoir Management
- Current Challenges and Areas of Further Work
- Outlook and the Next Step
3 Day
Normal Class
- Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy), Quality training kits: bag, block note, ballpoint, including jacket or T-shirt, etc, Convenient training facilities in four or five stars hotel, Lunch per day, morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training, Certificate & Photo.
Online Class
- Softcopy Modul dan Sertifikat
Call : 021 756 3091
Fax : 021 756 3291
0813 8280 7230, 0812 8931 1641, 0821 3874 5980
Email: [email protected]
Jadwal Training Integrated Petroleum Reservoir Management 2025:
- 13-15 Januari 2025 Jakarta
- 10-12 Februari 2025 Yogyakarta
- 10-12 Maret 2025 Bandung
- 13-15 Mei 2025 Bogor
- 09-11 Juni 2025 Bali
- 07-09 Juli 2025 Jakarta
- 11-13 Agustus 2025 Yogyakarta
- 08-10 September 2025 Bandung
- 06-08 Oktober 2025 Surabaya
- 10-12 November 2025 Bogor
- 08-10 Desember 2025 Malang
Investation (Not Include Hotel Acomodation) :
Online Class
- Rp 6.100.000/peserta (Harga belum termasuk pajak dan promo)
Normal Class
- IDR. 12.000.000,-/participant (Jakarta) (Harga belum termasuk pajak dan promo)
- IDR. 12.000.000-/participant (Bandung) (Harga belum termasuk pajak dan promo)
- IDR. 13.100.000,-/participant (Yogyakarta) (Harga belum termasuk pajak dan promo)
- IDR. 15.300.000,-/participant (Bali) (Harga belum termasuk pajak dan promo)
- IDR. 16.100.000,-/participant (Lombok) (Harga belum termasuk pajak dan promo)
- US$ 4780/participant (Malaysia) (Harga belum termasuk pajak dan promo)
Available on request for time, place and facilities call us for more information