Training Geophysics For Non Geophysicist


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After participate in this training , the participants will be able and capable to :

  • Understand the basic concept of Geophysics, Geology and Reservoir modelling based on Geophysic Data in field application.
  • Diagnostic of oil and gas exploration using geophysical methods with current exlporation Geophysical data processes.
  • Analyze  of Seismic Processing and  Interpretation data and application to the hydrocarbon reservoir exploeation  and to plan the better development of prospect capacity development.
  • Understand the fundamentals of numerical reservoir modelling aspects and phenomena of oil and gas reservoir forcasting of future performance.


No specified  (Operator/Sr. Operator/Engineer or Non Engineer)


Gephysics-Geology and Reservoir Modeling

  • Geophysics Concept
  • Integrated Reservoir Study
  • Interconnection Data Processing Job
  • Geophysical Analysis
  • Geological Analysis
  • Model Integration
  • Hydraulic Flow Units
  • Petrophysical Analysis
  • NumericalReservoir Simulation

Geophysics  for Oil Exploration

  • Geophysics Concept
  • What is geophysics
  • Geophysics and geology relationship
  • Geophysics role in oil exploration
  • Step in oil exploration
  • Geophysics Methods
  • Gravity
  • Seismic
  • Magnetic
  • Geolistric
  • Electromagnetic
  • GPR
  • Gravity and Magnetic
  • Gravity and Magnetic Objective
  •  Basic Concept Gravity and Magnetic
  • Gravity and Magnetic tools
  • Data and Processing
  • Interpretation Gravity and Magnetic Data
  • Seismic
  • Objective seismic
  • Basic Concept Seismic
  • Seismic Acquisition
  • Seismic data and processing
  • Seismic Interpretation
  • Advance seismic (Seismic attribute, seismic inversion)
  • Seismic Acquisition
  • Land Acquisition
  • Marine Acquisition
  • Transitional Zone
  • Tools and Data
  • Noise

Seismic Processing and Interpretation

  • Seismic Processing
  • Purpose of seismic data processing
  • Processing steps
  • Static Correction
  • Stacking (velocity analysis, NMO/DMO)
  • Migration
  • Filtering
  • Deconvolution
  • Depth Conversion
  • Seismic Intepretation
  • Resolution of seismic
  • Well Seismic Tie
  • Pitfall
  • Seismic stratigrahpy
  • Integration petrophysics, rock physics and well log analysis
  • Seismic Inversion
  • Seismic Attribute
  • AVO
  • Time to Depth Migration
  • Depth Structure
  • Advance geophysics methods
  • Microseismic
  • CRS
  • Seismic Multiattribute
  • Microgravity for fluid Monitoring
  • Borehole seismic
  • Spectral Analysis

Numerical Reservoir Modelling

  • Data Gathering and Preparation
  • Reservoir Characterization
  • Fluid Modelling
  • Scal
  • Reservoir Simulation
  • Model Specification
  • Initialization
  • History Matching
  • Forcasting and Performance Prediction


3 Day


Normal Class

  • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy), Quality training kits: bag, block note, ballpoint, including jacket or T-shirt, etc, Convenient training facilities in four or five stars hotel, Lunch per day, morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks for along the training, Certificate & Photo.

Online Class

  • Softcopy Modul dan Sertifikat


Call : 021 756 3091

Fax : 021 756 3291


0813 8280 7230, 0812 8931 1641

Email: [email protected]


Schedule Training geophysics For Non Geophysicist year 2024:

  • 28-30 Mei 2024 Bali
  • 25-27 Juni 2024 Malang
  • 23-25 Juli 2024 Surabaya
  • 27-29 Agustus 2024 Bali
  • 24-26 September 2024 Bandung
  • 22-24 Oktober 2024 Yogyakarta
  • 26-28 November 2024 Bogor
  • 17-19 Desember 2024 Malang

Investation (Not Include Hotel Acomodation) :

Online Class

  • Rp 5.500.000/peserta (Online Zoom Meeting)

Normal Class

  • IDR. 11.000.000,-/participant (Jakarta)
  • IDR. 11.000.000-/participant (Bandung)
  • IDR. 12.000.000,-/participant (Yogyakarta)
  • IDR. 14.000.000,-/participant (Bali)
  • IDR. 14.750.000,-/participant (Lombok)
  • US$ 4780/participant (Malaysia)

Available on request for time, place and facilities call us for more information

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