Training Water Flooding Basic Theory and Operation


After participate in thid Training Water Flooding Basic Theory and Operation, the participants will be abble and cappable to :

  • Understand the basic concept of waterflooding processes and how to operate this technology in field application.
  • Diagnostic of reservoir performance under actual drive mecanism and future performance under waterflooding processes.
  • Analyze the production potential of reservoir under waterflooding processes and to plan the field development.
  • Understand the fundamentals of microscopic and macroscopic aspects and phenomena of reservoir under waterflooding processes.


Basic Petroleum Engineering or field experience


No specified  (Operator/Sr. Operator/Engineer or Non Engineer)


Introduction to  Waterflooding

Microscopic Efficiency of Immicsible Displacement

  • Fluid and Rock Interaction
  • Methods of Inferring Fluid Distribution in Porous Media
  • Multiphaseflow in Porous Media
  • Residual Saturation
  • Mobilization of Residual Oil

Macroscopic Displacement Efficiency of a Linear Waterflood

  • Development of Equations
  • Frontal Advanced for Unsteady Displacement
  • Linear Waterflood
  • Numerical Model

Waterflood Displacement in Two Dimensions-Areal

  • Development of Equations
  • Fivespot Pattern
  • Scaled Laboratory Models
  • Prediction of Areal Displacement

Vertical Displacement in Linear and Areal Models

  • Layered Models
  • Gravity Segregation and Crossplot in Linear Reservoir
  • 2D Flow With Thichness-Averaged Properties
  • Scaled Laboratory Models

Waterflooding Design


3 Day


Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy), Quality training kits: bag, block note, ballpoint, including jacket, etc, Convenient training facilities in four or five stars hotel


Call : 021 756 3091

Fax : 021 756 3291


0813 8280 7230, 0812 8931 1641

Email: [email protected]


Jadwal Training Water Flooding Basic Theory and Operation 2024:

  • 14-16 Mei 2024 Bogor
  • 11-13 Juni 2024 Yogyakarta
  • 09-11 Juli 2024 Bali
  • 13-15 Agustus 2024 Jakarta
  • 10-12 September 2024 Yogyakarta
  • 08-10 Oktober 2024 Bandung
  • 12-14 November 2024 Bogor
  • 10-12 Desember 2024 Bali


Online Class

  • Rp 5.500.000/peserta (Online Zoom Meeting)

Normal Class

  • Rp. 11.000.000,-/peserta (Jakarta)
  • Rp. 11.000.000-/peserta (Bandung)
  • Rp. 12.000.000,-/peserta (Yogyakarta)
  • Rp. 14.000.000,-/peserta (Bali)
  • Rp. 14.750.000,-/peserta (Lombok)
  • US$ 4780/peserta (Malaysia)

Kami menerima request waktu, tempat & fasilitas hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Training Reservoir Fluid Analysis


Hydrocarbon systems found in petroleum reservoirs are known to display multi-phase behavior over wide ranges of pressure and temperatures. The most important phases which is occur in petroleum reservoirs are: liquid phase (crude oil or condensates) and gas phase (natural gases).  This course will explain the fundamentals of hydrocarbon phase behavior and practical application in reservoir and production engineering. Firstly it will reviews the principles of phase behavior and ilustrate the use of phase diagram in describing the volumetric behavior of single-component, two-component, and multi-component system.

Also it will present numerous mathematical and graphical correlation for estimating physical and critical properties of the undefined petroleum fraction, evaluation of properties of natural gases and introduces their application in Darcy’s equation and material balance equation.  A complete and cohesive independent unit on methods of determining the crude oil physical properties , presents the concept and application of  vapor-liquid phase equilibria, developments and advanced in the field of empirical cubic equation of state and application in petroleum engineering. Details sceheme of splitting and lumping of petroleum-fraction.

Properly understanding the reservoir fluid properties is very significant and are very importance steps  during the entire life of the oil and reservoir developments and operations. This five-day training will provide a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of reservoir fluid properties and application to reservoir and production engineering to keep exellent reservoir and production performance as long as possible.


  • Refresh the knowledge of the participants on reservoir fluid properties.
  • Understand the basic principles of hydrocarbon phase behavior and it’s application in petroleum engineering.
  • Learn the numerous mathematical and graphical correlation for estimating physical and critical properties of the undefined petroleum fraction
  • Enhance the knowledge on hydrocarbon phase behavior , freservoir fluid properties and application.
  • Gain additional knowledge on reasent technology in reservoir fluid properties calculation and correlation.
  • Knowledge sharing among the participants and instructors


Basic Phase Behavior

  • Single Component  Systems
  • Two Component  Systems
  • Multy Component  Systems
  • Classification of Reservoir and Reservoir Fluids

Pure Component Physical Properties and Characterizing Undefined Petroleum Fraction

  • General Correlation for Estimating Physical Properties of Hydrocarbon Fraction
  • Critical Compressibility Factors
  • Characterizing Hydrocarbon Heavy Fractions
  • Determining of Physical Properties of Heavy Petroleum Fraction from Correlation

Properties of Natural Gases

  • Behavior of Ideal Gases
  • Ideal Gas Mixtures
  • Properties of Ideal Gas Mixtures
  • Behavior of Real Gases
  • Effect of Non Hydrocarbon Components on the Z-Factor
  • Correction for Non Hydrocarbons
  • Correction for High-Molecular-Weight Gases
  • Direct Calculation of Compressibilty Factors
  • Compressibility of Natural Gases
  • Gas Formation Volume Factor
  • Gas Viscosity
  • Engineering Application of natural gases PVT Properties

Phase Behavior of Crude Oils

  • Crude Oil Density and Specific Gravity
  • Methods for Determining Density of Crude Oils as Unknown Composition
  • Methods for Determining Density of Liquids as Unknown Composition
  • Isothermal Compressibility Coefficient of Undersaturated Crude Oils
  • Density of Undersarurated Crude Oils
  • Gas Solubility
  • Oil Formation Factor of Undersaturated Crude Oils
  • Total Formation Volume Factor
  • Total System Isothermal Compressibility Coefficient
  • Crude Oil Viscosity
  • Bubble Point and Surface Tension
  • Application of the Crude Oil PVT P
  • The Material Balance Equation for Oil Reservoirs

Vapor-Liquid Phase Equilibria

  • Equilibrium Ratio
  • Flash Calculation
  • Application of Equilibrium Ratio in Petroleum Engineering

Equation of State

  • The General ized Form of Equation of State
  • Application of Equation of State for Petroleum Engineering
  • Three-Phase Equilibrium Calculation

Splitting Lumping Schemes of Petroleum Fraction

  • Splitting Schemes
  • Lumping Schemes
  • Simulation of Laboratory PVT Data by Equation of State


3 Day


Normal Class

  • Sertifikat, Modul (Soft dan Hard Copy) Flash disc, Training kit (Ballpoint Tas jinjing), Tas Ransel, Jacket, Lunch, 2x Coffe break, foto bersama dan pelatihan dilaksanakan di Hotel berbintang.

Online Class

  • Softcopy Modul dan Sertifikat


Call : 021 756 3091

Fax : 021 756 3291


0813 8280 7230, 0812 8931 1641

Email: [email protected]


Schedule Training Reservoir Fluid Analysis Year 2024:

  • 20-22 Mei 2024 Bogor
  • 18-20 Juni 2024 Bali
  • 15-17 Juli 2024 Jakarta
  • 19-21 Agustus 2024 Bandung
  • 17-19 September 2024 Yogyakarta
  • 21-23 Oktober 2024 Bandung
  • 18-20 November 2024 Surabaya
  • 16-18 Desember 2024 Bogor

Investation (Not Include Hotel Acomodation) :

Online Class

  • Rp 5.500.000/peserta (Online Zoom Meeting)

Normal Class

  • Rp. 11.000.000,-/peserta (Jakarta)
  • Rp. 11.000.000-/peserta (Bandung)
  • Rp. 12.000.000,-/peserta (Yogyakarta)
  • Rp. 14.000.000,-/peserta (Bali)
  • Rp. 14.750.000,-/peserta (Lombok)
  • US$ 4780/peserta (Malaysia)

Available on request for time, place and facilities call us for more information

Training Principles and Practice of Flow Measurements


Training Principles and Practice of Flow Measurements – This course is intended to give a breadth and depth analysis in oil and gas flow measurement problems which are actually and frequently occurred in the field. In this course the way to diagnose and solve the problem will be shown. Beside that how to detect ant determine micelleneous constituents inoil and gas will be presented too. The participants will be brought to current methods in analyzing oil and gas flow measurement problems that occured in actual fields. Skills in identifying various problems will be build during the course. The modern technique uses a relatively complicated method, but, more accurate and serves much more information needed for oil and gas floe measurement.

After participate in this training, the participants will be able and capable to

  • Understand the basic concept of oil and gas flow measurement , oil and gas handling processes and operation, and how to operate this technology in field application.
  • Analyze the oil and gas flow measurement  under with actual handling system processes using various methods and to plan the better development of oil and gas processing system.
  • Understand the fundamentals of microscopic and macroscopic aspects and phenomena of oil and gas flow measurement, oil and gas  detection, calculation and operation.


Introduction to Standard Oil and Gas Measurement Tools.

  • Level
  • Density
  • Temperature

Notion of Static and Dynamic Measurement

  • ASTM Table in Oil Volume Calculation

Land Tank Measurement

  • Calibration Table
  • Oil sampling technique
  • Level, Density and Temperature Measurement.

Land Tank Volume Calculation

  • Liter 150C-Barrel 60oF
  • Oil Stock Calculation
  •  Bill of Loading Calculation
  • After Reciept Calculation
  • Supplay Calculation
  • Working and Discharge Calculation

Oil Losses

  • Kind of losses
  • Cause and sources of losses
  • Losses Calculation
  • Methodology to reduce losses

Flow Measurement and Technology

  • Principle of Oil Flow Measurement
  • Direct Measurement
  • Turbin
  • Elektromagnetic
  • Vortex
  • Ultrasonik
  • Coriolis
  • Thermal Mass
  • Positif Displacement
  • Variabel Area (rotameters)

Indirect Measurement

  • Orifice
  • Flow Nozle
  • Venturi
  • Wedge
  • V-cone
  • Pitot tube / Anubar
  • Target meter

Multiphase Flow Meter

  • MPFM Phylosophy
  • Multiphase Flow
  • MPFM Technology
  • MPFM Design Guidelines


3 Day


Normal Class

  • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy), Quality training kits: bag, block note, ballpoint, including jacket, etc, Convenient training facilities in four or five stars hotel.

Online Class

  • Softcopy Modul dan Sertifikat


Call : 021 756 3091

Fax : 021 756 3291


0813 8280 7230, 0812 8931 1641

Email: [email protected]


Schedule Training Principles and practice of Flow Measurements year 2024:

  • 20-22 Mei 2024 Jakarta
  • 18-20 Juni 2024 Bali
  • 16-18 Juli 2024 Malang
  • 20-22 Agustus 2024 Jakarta
  • 17-19 September 2024 Bandung
  • 15-17 Oktober 2024 Surabaya
  • 19-21 November 2024 Jakarta
  • 17-19 Desember 2024 Yogyakarta

Biaya registrasi (tidak termasuk biaya akomodasi & penginapan) :

Online Class

  • Rp 5.500.000/peserta (Online Zoom Meeting)

Normal Class

  • Rp. 11.000.000,-/peserta (Jakarta)
  • Rp. 11.000.000-/peserta (Bandung)
  • Rp. 12.000.000,-/peserta (Yogyakarta)
  • Rp. 14.000.000,-/peserta (Bali)
  • Rp. 14.750.000,-/peserta (Lombok)
  • US$ 4780/peserta (Malaysia)

Kami menerima request waktu, tempat & fasilitas hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.


  1. Chevron Geothermal Salak
  2. Chevron Geothermal Indonesia, Ltd.
  3. PT. Chevron Pacivic Indonesia
  4. Chevron SMO


  • “Materi training sangat berguna untuk pekerjaan saya dan pemateri sangat menguasai materi. over all training ini sangat baik dan berkesan” Imam Baihaqi Salam-Chevron Geothermal Indonesia, Ltd.


Training Well Testing Practical and Analysis


Setelah menyelesaikan Training Well Testing Practical and Analysis ini diharapkan peserta dapat :

  • Memahami prinsip dasar operasi dan interpretasi tes sumur
  • Melakukan interpretasi data tes sumur
  • Membuat perencanaan atau desain suatu tes sumur
  • Membuat atau menggunakan program-program kecil yang membantu dalam interpretasi data tes sumur


Field Superintendent, Sr. Operator, Jr. Operator, Jr. Engineer,NonEngineer


  • Mempunyai pengetahuan dasar teknik perminyakan
  • Mempunyai pengetahuan dasar teknik reservoir dan produksi
  • Mempunyai pengalaman lapangan dalam bidang produksi dan reservoir


Pengenalan Teknik Perminyakan

Dasar-Dasar Tes Sumur

  • Prinsip Dasar Tes Sumur
  • Aliran Fluida Dalam Media Berpori
  • Macam-Macam Tes Sumur

Pressure Drawdown Test

  • Analisis Pressure Drawdown Pada Periode Transien
  • Analisis Pressure Drawdown Pada Periode Transien Lanjut
  • AnalisisPressureDrawdownPadaPeriodeSemi-SteadyState

Pressure Buildup Test

  • Prinsip Superposisi
  • Pressure Buildup Ideal
  • Actual Buildup Case
  • Lamanya Pengaruh Wellbore Storage
  • Penentuan Tekanan Rata-Rata
  • Pressure Buildup Untuk Sistem Lebih Dari Satu Fasa
  • Analisis Pressure Buildup Dibawah Pengaruh Redistribusi Fasa Pada Lubang Bor

Multi Rate Test

  • Persamaan Dasar Untuk Multiple Rate Test
  • Two Rate Flow Test
  • Deliverability Test
  • Variable Injection Rate Test

Multiple Well Test

  • Interference Test
  • Interference Test Pada Reservoir Terbatas (Bounded)
  • Pulse Testing
  • Analisis Pulse Test Dengan Metode Stegemeier

Analisis Tes Sumur Dengan Menggunakan Type Curve

  • Prinsip Analisis Type Curve
  • Ramey’s Type Curve dan McKinley Type Curve

Tes Sumur Sumur Gas

  • Sifat-Sifat Gas
  •  Analisis Tes Sumur Pada Sumur Gas

Injection Well Testing

  • Injectivity Analysis
  • Falloff Test Analysis
  • Step-Rate Testing

Drill Stem Testing

  • Analisis DST

Tes Sumur Untuk Reservoir Rekah Buatan

  • Transien Tekanan Pada Hydraulically Vertical Fractured Reservoir
  • Efek Skin, Wellbore Storage dan Geometri Rekahan Terhadap Respon Tekanan
  • Finite Fracture Conductivity
  • Massive Hydraulic Fracturing dan Pengujian Pada Tekanan Konstan

Tes Sumur Untuk Reservoir Rekah Alami

  • Kelakuan Transien Tekanan Pada Reservoir Rekah Alami
  • Efek Incomplete Test
  • Pendekatan Gradient Flow Model
  • Analisis Transien Tekanan Pada Reservoir Rekah Alami Dibawah Pengaruh Alirab Spherical

Interpretasi Data Tes Sumur Horizontal

  • Analisis Transien Tekanan Sumur Horizontal Secara Grafis
  • Analisis Transien Tekanan Sumur Horizontal Dengan Type Curve Matching

Well Sounder

  • Analisis Data Well Sounder


3 Hari


Normal Class

  • Sertifikat, Modul (Soft dan Hard Copy) Flash disc, Training kit (Ballpoint Tas jinjing), Tas Ransel, Jacket, Lunch, 2x Coffe break, foto bersama dan pelatihan dilaksanakan di Hotel berbintang.

Online Class

  • Softcopy Modul dan Sertifikat


Call : 021 756 3091

Fax : 021 756 3291


0813 8280 7230,  0812 8931 1641

Email: [email protected]



  • 06-08 Mei 2024 Medan
  • 05-07 Juni 2024 Jakarta
  • 03-05 Juli 2024 Bali
  • 07-09 Agustus 2024 Bogor
  • 04-06 September 2024 Surabaya
  • 02-04 Oktober 2024 Bandung
  • 06-08 November 2024 Yogyakarta
  • 04-06 Desember 2024 Jakarta


Online Class

  • Rp 5.500.000/peserta (Online Zoom Meeting)

Normal Class

  • Rp. 11.000.000,-/peserta (Jakarta)
  • Rp. 11.000.000-/peserta (Bandung)
  • Rp. 12.000.000,-/peserta (Yogyakarta)
  • Rp. 14.000.000,-/peserta (Bali)
  • Rp. 14.750.000,-/peserta (Lombok)
  • US$ 4780/peserta (Malaysia)

Kami menerima request waktu, tempat & fasilitas hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.


Training Well Injection Production and Reservoir Synergetic System For Steam Flood Processes


Setelah menyelesaikan Training Well Injection Production and Reservoir  ini diharapkan peserta dapat :

  • Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar peningkatan perolehan reservoir minyak bumi dengan mempergunakan metoda EOR dan terutama sekali dengan metoda steam injection, termasuk uraian tentang model geologi dan reservoirnya.
  • Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan sederhana untuk optimisasi dan penentuan kinerja produksi sumur-sumur minyak bumi yang mengalami steam injection.
  • Mengenal baik peralatan produksi di atas (surface) maupun di bawah (downhole) permukaan untuk pelaksanaan steamflood di lapangan.
  • Membuat analisis sederhana terhadap data sumuran minyak yang mendapat injeksi uap, kemudian meramalkan kinerja produksi akibat operasi steam flood.
  • Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatip sederhana untuk perancangan proyek steamflood beserta analisis keekonomiannya.
  • Mempergunakan pengetahuan tentang reservoir management dan pengenelnalan teknologi mutakhir tentang steamflood, untuk keperluan peningkatan perolehan produksi minyak bumi.


Latar belakang  : Operator/Senior Operator/Engineer/Non Engineer



  • Introduction to EOR
  • EOR Production
  • EOR Concept
  • Screening Criteria
  • Thermal EOR
  • Chemical EOR
  • Miscible EOR

Steam Injection Processes

  • Cyclic Steam Injection
  • Continuous Steam Injection

Thermal Properties of Fluids and Solids

  • Thermal Properties
  • Temperature Effect on Fluid and Rock Properties
  • Thermodynamic Properties of Steam
  • Laboratory Analysis

Reservoir Geology and Thermal EOR

  • Geology Elements Affecting Steamflood Performance
  • Defining Effective Reservoir
  • Importance of Depositional Environment
  • Displaying The Geologic Model
  • Relationship Between Geologic and Simulation Models
  • Summary of Geologic Elements in Steamflooding

Surface Equipment and Operations

  • Steam Generation and Distribution
  • Oil/Gas Gathering and Treatment
  • Water Reclamation and Softening Plant

Downhole Equipment and Operations

  • Well Completion
  • Remedial Well Work
  • Well Stimulatuion
  • Profile Modification

Performance Prediction

  • Steam Metering and Heat Loss Calculation
  • Prediction of Cyclic Steam Performance
  • Prediction of Steamflood Performance
  • Fieldwide Forecast

Project Design and Evaluation

  • Steamflood Development Strategy
  • Evaluation and Screening of Candidates
  • Design Consideration
  • Project Modification

Steamflood Reservoir Management

  • Introduction to Steamflood Reservoir Management
  • Steamflood Design and Implementation
  • Injection Well Monitoring and Surveillance
  • Production Well Monitoring and Surveillance
  • Casing Vapor Collection System Monitoring and Surveillance
  • Observation Well Monitoring and Surveillance
  • Core Wells
  • Cross-Well Tomography
  • Data Management, Elevation and Interpretaion
  • Simulation Models as Reservoir Management Tools
  • Project Modification

Recent Advance s and Ongoing Developments in Steamflood Technology

  • Steam Generation and Distribution
  • Subsurface Equipment and Methods
  • Process Improvements
  • Reservoir Description
  • Performance Prediction
  • Future Technology Needs


3 Hari


Normal Class

  • Sertifikat, Modul (Soft dan Hard Copy) Flash disc, Training kit (Ballpoint Tas jinjing), Tas Ransel, Jacket, Lunch, 2x Coffe break, foto bersama dan pelatihan dilaksanakan di Hotel berbintang.

Online Class

  • Softcopy Modul dan sertifikat


Call : 021 756 3091

Fax : 021 756 3291


0813 8280 7230, 0812 8931 1641

Email: [email protected]


Jadwal Training Well Injection Production and Reservoir Synergetic System For Steam Flood Processes 2024:

  • 20-22 Mei 2024 Jakarta
  • 18-20 Juni 2024 Bali
  • 16-18 Juli 2024 Malang
  • 20-22 Agustus 2024 Jakarta
  • 17-19 September 2024 Bandung
  • 15-17 Oktober 2024 Surabaya
  • 19-21 November 2024 Jakarta
  • 17-19 Desember 2024 Yogyakarta

Biaya registrasi (tidak termasuk biaya akomodasi & penginapan) :

Online Class

  • Rp 5.500.000/peserta (Online Zoom Meeting)

Normal Class

  • IDR. 11.000.000,-/peserta (Jakarta)
  • IDR. 11.000.000-/peserta (Bandung)
  • IDR. 12.000.000,-/peserta (Yogyakarta)
  • IDR. 14.000.000,-/peserta (Bali)
  • IDR. 14.750.000,-/peserta (Lombok)
  • US$ 4780/peserta (Malaysia)

Kami menerima request waktu, tempat & fasilitas hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Training Reservoir Engineering For Other Diciplines


Setelah menyelesaikan training  ini diharapkan peserta dapat :

  • Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar eksploitasi minyak, gas bumi yang dikenal sebagai dasar reservoir dalam teknologi perminyakan.
  • Melakukan diagnosis sederhana dan memahami pengelolaan data operasi perminyakan, seperti data geologi produksi, data batuan dan fluida reservoir, data produksi, data operasi pemboran, data analisis keekonomian reservoir
  • Membuat analisis sederhana terhadap data tersebut dan melakukan pengolahannya dengan mempergunakan metoda standar untuk perhitungan reservoir.
  • Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatif  dari seluruh data perolehan operasi perminyakan : geologi produksi, evaluasi data formasi produktif, data reservoir, data pemboran, data produksi dan data keekonomian, untuk keperluan teknik reservoir.


Latar belakang beragam : Sr. Operator, Jr. Operator, Engineer dan Non Enginee


Pengertian Tentang Data Teknik Operasi Perminyakan dan Teknik Pengelolaannya

  • Data Geologi Produksi
  • Data Teknik Reservoir
  • Data Teknik Pemboran
  • Data Teknik Produksi
  • Data Analisis Keekonomian

Eksplorasi Geofisika dan Geologi

  • Dasar Eksplorasi Geofisika
  • Dasar Eksplorasi Geologi
  • Pemodelan G&G

Reservoir Hidrokarbon

  • Kondisi Terbentuknya Reservoir
  • Tekanan dan Temperatur Reservoir
  • Fluida Reservoir
  • Batuan Reservoir

Evaluasi Formasi Reservoir Hidrokarbon

  • Penentuan Formasi Permeabel
  • Penentuan Porositas Batuan
  • Penentuan Saturasi Fluida
  • Penentuan ketebalan Reservoir Rata-rata
  • Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Pelaksanaan Evaluasi Formasi

Pemboran Sumur Minyak

  • Operasi
  • Biaya
  • Complesion
  • Fluida Pemboran
  • Data Akuisisi
  • Optimasi Pemboran
  • Problema Khusus Pemboran
  • Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Pelaksanaan Pemboran

Perkiraan Cadangan

  • Volume In-place
  • Ketebalan Batuan
  • Peta Iso Porositas
  • Peta iso Kapasitas
  • Recovery Factor (Faktor Perolehan)

Cara Produksi Reservoir Minyak Bumi

  • Inflow Performance Relationship
  • Primary Recovery Technology
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery Technology
  • Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Fasilitas Produksi di Bawah Permukaan

Fasilitas Produksi di Permukaan

  • Field Processing Unit
  • Sistem Pemipaan Minyak Bumi
  • Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Fasilitas Produksi di Permukaan

Analisa Kinerja Reservoir

  • Perolehan Reservoir Gas
  • Perolehan Primer Reservoir Minyak
  • Efisiensi Perolehan Minyak
  • Keseimbangan Materi
  • Peramalan Kinerja Produksi

Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Analisis Keekonomian

  • Parameter Utama Analisis Keekonomian
  • Net Present Value
  • Internal Rate of Return
  • Pay Out Time
  • Profit to Invesment Ratio
  • Beberapa Contoh Kasus


3 Hari


Normal Class

  • Sertifikat, Modul (Soft copy dan Hard Copy), Flash disc, Training kit (Ballpoint Tas jinjing), Tas Ransel, Jacket, Lunch, 2x Coffe break, foto bersama dan pelatihan dilaksanakan di hotel berbintang.

Online Class

  • Softcopy Modul dan Sertifikat


Call : 021 756 3091

Fax : 021 756 3291


0813 8280 7230, 0812 8931 1641

Email: [email protected]


Jadwal Training Reservoir Engineering For Other Diciplines 2024:

  • 15-17 Mei 2024 Yogyakarta
  • 12-14 Juni 2024 Jakarta
  • 10-12 Juli 2024 Bali
  • 14-16 Agustus 2024 Bogor
  • 11-13 September 2024 Surabaya
  • 09-11 Oktober 2024 Bandung
  • 13-15 November 2024 Yogyakarta
  • 11-13 Desember 2024 Jakarta


Online Class

  • Rp 5.500.000/peserta (Online Zoom Meeting)

Normal Class

  • Rp. 11.000.000,-/peserta (Jakarta)
  • Rp. 11.000.000-/peserta (Bandung)
  • Rp. 12.000.000,-/peserta (Yogyakarta)
  • Rp. 14.000.000,-/peserta (Bali)
  • Rp. 14.750.000,-/peserta (Lombok)
  • US$ 4780/peserta (Malaysia)

Kami menerima request waktu, tempat & fasilitas hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Training Integrated Petroleum Reservoir Operation


Setelah menyelesaikan training ini diharapkan peserta dapat :

  • Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar operasi eksploitasi minyak dan  gas bumi yang dikenal sebagai teknologi perminyakan.
  • Melakukan diagnosis sederhana dan memahami pengelolaan data operasi perminyakan, seperti data geologi produksi, data batuan dan fluida reservoir, data produksi, data operasi pemboran bahkan data analisis keekonomian.
  • Membuat analisis sederhana terhadap data tersebut dan melakukan pengolahannya dengan mempergunakan metoda standar dalam teknologi perminyakan.
  • Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatif sederhana dari seluruh data perolehan operasi perminyakan : geologi produksi, evaluasi data formasi produktif, data reservoir, data pemboran, data produksi bahkan data keekonomian.


Latar belakang beragam : Operator, Sr. Operator, Engineering dan Non Engineering


Pengertian Tentang Data Teknik Operasi Perminyakan dan Teknik Pengelolaannya

  • Data Geologi Produksi
  • Data Teknik Reservoir
  • Data Teknik Pemboran
  • Data Teknik Produksi
  • Data Analisis Keekonomian

Reservoir Hidrokarbon

  • Kondisi Terbentuknya Reservoir
  • Tekanan dan Temperatur Reservoir
  • Fluida Reservoir
  • Batuan Reservoir

Evaluasi Formasi Reservoir Hidrokarbon

  • Penentuan Formasi Permeabel
  • Penentuan Porositas Batuan
  • Penentuan Saturasi Fluida
  • Penentuan ketebalan Reservoir Rata-rata
  • Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Pelaksanaan Evaluasi Formasi

Pemboran Sumur Minyak

  • Operasi
  • Biaya
  • Complesion
  • Fluida Pemboran
  • Data Akuisisi
  • Optimasi Pemboran
  • Problema Khusus Pemboran
  • Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Pelaksanaan Pemboran

Perkiraan Cadangan

  • Volume In-place
  • Ketebalan Batuan
  • Peta Iso Porositas
  • Peta iso Kapasitas
  • Recovery Factor (Faktor Perolehan)

Cara Produksi Reservoir Minyak Bumi

  • Inflow Performance Relationship
  • Primary Recovery Technology
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery Technology
  • Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Fasilitas Produksi di Bawah Permukaan

Fasilitas Produksi di Permukaan

  • Field Processing Unit
  • Sistem Pemipaan Minyak Bumi
  • Peralatan yang Terkait dengan Fasilitas Produksi di Permukaan

Analisa Kinerja Reservoir

  • Perolehan Reservoir Gas
  • Perolehan Primer Reservoir Minyak
  • Efisiensi Perolehan Minyak
  • Keseimbangan Materi
  • Peramalan Kinerja Produksi

Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Analisis Keekonomian

  • Parameter Utama Analisis Keekonomian
  • Net Present Value
  • Internal Rate of Return
  • Pay Out Time
  • Profit to Invesment Ratio
  • Beberapa Contoh Kasus


3 Hari


Normal Class

  • Sertifikat, Modul (Soft dan Hard Copy) Flash disc, Training kit (Ballpoint Tas jinjing), Tas Ransel, Jacket, Lunch, 2x Coffe break, foto bersama dan pelatihan dilaksanakan di Hotel berbintang.

Online Class

  • Softcopy Modul dan Sertifikat


Call : 021 756 3091

Fax : 021 756 3291


0813 8280 7230, 0812 8931 1641

Email: [email protected]


Jadwal Training Integrated Petroleum Reservoir Operation tahun 2024:

  • 28-30 Mei 2024 Bali
  • 25-27 Juni 2024 Malang
  • 23-25 Juli 2024 Surabaya
  • 27-29 Agustus 2024 Bali
  • 24-26 September 2024 Bandung
  • 22-24 Oktober 2024 Yogyakarta
  • 26-28 November 2024 Bogor
  • 17-19 Desember 2024 Malang

Biaya registrasi (tidak termasuk biaya akomodasi & penginapan) :

Online Class

  • Rp 5.500.000/peserta (Online Zoom Meeting)

Normal Class

  • Rp. 11.000.000,-/peserta (Jakarta)
  • Rp. 11.000.000-/peserta (Bandung)
  • Rp. 12.000.000,-/peserta (Yogyakarta)
  • Rp. 14.000.000,-/peserta (Bali)
  • Rp. 14.750.000,-/peserta (Lombok)
  • US$ 4780/peserta (Malaysia)

Kami menerima request waktu, tempat & fasilitas hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Training Well Test Design and Analysis


Setelah menyelesaikan Training Well Test Design and Analysis ini diharapkan peserta dapat :

  • Memahami prinsip dasar operasi dan interpretasi tes sumur
  • Melakukan interpretasi data tes sumur
  • Membuat perencanaan atau desain sustu tes sumur
  • Membuat atau menggunakan program-program kecil yang membantu dalam interpretasi data tes sumur


Field Superintendent, Sr. Operator, Jr. Operator, Jr. Engineer,NonEngineer


  • Mempunyai pengetahuan dasar teknik perminyakan
  • Mempunyai pengetahuan dasar teknik reservoir dan produksi
  • Mempunyai pengalaman lapangan dalam bidang produksi dan reservoir


 Pengenalan Teknik Perminyakan Dasar-Dasar Tes Sumur

  • Prinsip Dasar Tes Sumur
  • Aliran Fluida Dalam Media Berpori
  • Macam-Macam Tes Sumur

Pressure Drawdown Test

  • Analisis Pressure Drawdown Pada Periode Transien
  • Analisis Pressure Drawdown Pada Periode Transien Lanjut
  • AnalisisPressureDrawdownPadaPeriodeSemi-SteadyState

Pressure Buildup Test

  • Prinsip Superposisi
  • Pressure Buildup Ideal
  • Actual Buildup Case
  • Lamanya Pengaruh Wellbore Storage
  • Penentuan Tekanan Rata-Rata
  • Pressure Buildup Untuk Sistem Lebih Dari Satu Fasa
  • Analisis Pressure Buildup Dibawah Pengaruh Redistribusi Fasa Pada Lubang Bor

Multi Rate Test

  • Persamaan Dasar Untuk Multiple Rate Test
  • Two Rate Flow Test
  • Deliverability Test
  • Variable Injection Rate Test

Multiple Well Test

  • Interference Test
  • Interference Test Pada Reservoir Terbatas (Bounded)
  • Pulse Testing
  • Analisis Pulse Test Dengan Metode Stegemeier

Analisis Tes Sumur Dengan Menggunakan Type Curve

  • Prinsip Analisis Type Curve
  • Ramey’s Type Curve dan McKinley Type Curve

Tes Sumur Sumur Gas

  • Sifat-Sifat Gas
  • Analisis Tes Sumur Pada Sumur Gas

Injection Well Testing

  • Injectivity Analysis
  • Falloff Test Analysis
  • Step-Rate Testing

Drill Stem Testing

  • Analisis DST

Tes Sumur Untuk Reservoir Rekah Buatan

  • Transien Tekanan Pada Hydraulically Vertical Fractured Reservoir
  • Efek Skin, Wellbore Storage dan Geometri Rekahan Terhadap Respon Tekanan
  • Finite Fracture Conductivity
  • Massive Hydraulic Fracturing dan Pengujian Pada Tekanan Konstan

Tes Sumur Untuk Reservoir Rekah Alami

  • Kelakuan Transien Tekanan Pada Reservoir Rekah Alami
  • Efek Incomplete Test
  • Pendekatan Gradient Flow Model
  • Analisis Transien Tekanan Pada Reservoir Rekah Alami Dibawah Pengaruh Alirab Spherical

Interpretasi Data Tes Sumur Horizontal

  • Analisis Transien Tekanan Sumur Horizontal Secara Grafis
  • Analisis Transien Tekanan Sumur Horizontal Dengan Type Curve Matching

Well Sounder

  • Analisis Data Well Sounder


Normal Class

  • Sertifikat, Modul (Soft copy dan Hard Copy), Flash disc, Training kit (Ballpoint Tas jinjing), Tas Ransel, Jacket, Lunch, 2x Coffe break, foto bersama dan pelatihan dilaksanakan.

Online Class

  • Softcopy Modul dan Sertifikat


Call : 021 756 3091

Fax : 021 756 3291


0813 8280 7230, 0877 8868 8235

Email: [email protected]



  • 06-08 Mei 2024 Bogor
  • 03-05 Juni 2024 Bali
  • 01-03 Juli 2024 Jakarta
  • 05-07 Agustus 2024 Yogyakarta
  • 02-04 September 2024 Bandung
  • 01-03 Oktober 2024 Surabaya
  • 04-06 November 2024 Bogor
  • 02-04 Desember 2024 Malang


Online Class

  • Rp 5.500.000/peserta (Online Zoom Meeting)

Normal Class

  • Rp. 11.000.000,-/peserta (Jakarta)
  • Rp. 11.000.000-/peserta (Bandung)
  • Rp. 12.000.000,-/peserta (Yogyakarta)
  • Rp. 14.000.000,-/peserta (Bali)
  • Rp. 14.750.000,-/peserta (Lombok)
  • US$ 4780/peserta (Malaysia)

Kami menerima request waktu, tempat & fasilitas hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Training Well Service Operation and Well Testing


Setelah menyelesaikan Training Well Service Operation and Well Testing  ini diharapkan peserta dapat :

  • Memahami prinsip-prinsip dasar penyelesaian sumur produksi minyak dan gas bumi (oil and gas well completion)  .
  • Melakukan diagnosis sederhana dalam menagani problema pada sumur produksi di lapangan yang disebabkan oleh reservoir atau fasilitas produksinya.
  • Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatip sederhana untuk sumur-sumur minyak yang diproduksikan dengan cara gas lift, ESP, Hydraulic/Jet Pump, Sucker Rod Pump dan PCP.
  • Melakukan perhitungan-perhitungan kuantitatif sederhana untuk perancangan dan perancangan ulang penanganan problema kepasiran di sumur produksi.


Latar belakang  : Operator/ Sr. Operator/ Jr. Engineer/Non Engineer


Penyelesaian sumur (Well Completion)

Tipe-tipe penyelesaian sumur

  • Tipe penyelesaian sumur berdasarkan pemasangan pipa selubung
  • Tipe penyelesaian sumur berdasarkan jumlah zona produksi

Peralatan bawah tanah

  • Pendahuluan
  • Peralatan produksi bawah sumur

Penyelesaian sumur untuk sumur-sumur pengangkatan buatan

  • Sucker Rod Pump (Pompa angguk)
  • Electric Submersible Pump
  • Gas lift
  • Hydraulic Pump
  • Pompa Jet

Kerja ulang sumur (Work Over)

Faktor-faktor penyebab kehilangan produksi

  • Problem Reservoir
  • Problem mekanikal

Perawatan sumur

  • Kerusakan Peralatan
  • Masalah Parafin
  • Pengendapan Scale dan Pengontrolannya
  • Masalah Pasir
  • Kerusakan Formasi

Tipe-tipe Pengerjaan Kerja Ulang Sumur

  • Mengubah Zona Produksi
  • Perangsangan Sumur (Well Stimulation)
  • Squeeze Cementing

Peralatan Kerja Ulang

  • Menara (Rig) Konvensional
  • Unit Wireline
  • Gulungan Tubing Tanpa Sambungan (Endless Tubing Coil)
  • Unit Snubbing

Sand Control Technology

Sand Control Concept

  • Reason for Sand Control
  • Determining Need for Sand Control
  • Selecting Type of Control
  • Proper Drilling and Completion

Gravel and Screen Selection

  • Slot and Gravel Size Design
  • Slotted Liners
  • Screens
  • Prerpacks
  • Inside Gravel Packing
  • Perforation Packing
  • Two Stages Methods
  • Use of Viscous Carrying Fluid
  • Downhole Equipment
  • Type of Operation
  • Sigle Stage Methods

Open Hole Gravel Packing

  • Conventional Methods
  • Special Tools and Operations
  • Zone Isolation Methods
  • Model Study Result
  • Deviated Well Problem and Solutions


  • Formation Consolidation
  • Consolidation System Features
  • Well Preparation and Design Factor
  • Consolidated  Packs
  • Water Base Systems
  • Thermosetting Gravel Packs

Stable Arc Sand Control

  • The Stable Concept
  • Applying Stress for Sand Control
  • Conventional Cementing Limitations
  • Downhole Equipment
  • Type of Operation

Pressure Drawdown Test

  • Analisis Pressure Drawdown Pada Periode Transien
  • Analisis Pressure Drawdown Pada Periode Transien Lanjut
  • Analisis Pressure Drawdown Pada Periode Semi-Steady State

Pressure Buildup Test

  • Prinsip Superposisi
  • Pressure Buildup Ideal
  • Actual Buildup Case
  • Lamanya Pengaruh Wellbore Storage
  • Penentuan Tekanan Rata-Rata
  • Pressure Buildup Untuk Sistem Lebih Dari Satu Fasa
  • Analisis Pressure Buildup Dibawah Pengaruh Redistribusi Fasa Pada Lubang Bor

Multi Rate Test

  • Persamaan Dasar Untuk Multiple Rate Test
  • Two Rate Flow Test
  • Deliverability Test
  • Variable Injection Rate Test

Multiple Well Test

  • Interference Test
  • Interference Test Pada Reservoir Terbatas (Bounded)
  • Pulse Testing
  • Analisis Pulse Test Dengan Metode Stegemeier

Analisis Tes Sumur Dengan Menggunakan Type Curve

  • Prinsip Analisis Type Curve
  • Ramey’s Type Curve dan McKinley Type Curve

Tes Sumur Sumur Gas

  • Sifat-Sifat Gas
  • Analisis Tes Sumur Pada Sumur Gas

Injection Well Testing

  • Injectivity Analysis
  • Falloff Test Analysis
  • Step-Rate Testing

Drill Stem Testing

  • Analisis DST


3 Hari


Normal Class

  • Sertifikat, Modul (Soft copy dan Hard Copy), Flash disc, Training kit (Ballpoint Tas jinjing), Tas Ransel, Jacket, Lunch, 2x Coffe break, foto bersama dan pelatihan dilaksanakan di hotel berbintang

Online Class

  • Softcopy Modul dan Sertifikat


Call : 021 756 3091

Fax : 021 756 3291


0813 8280 7230, 0812 8931 1641

Email: [email protected]



  • 28-30 Mei 2024 Bali
  • 25-27 Juni 2024 Malang
  • 23-25 Juli 2024 Surabaya
  • 27-29 Agustus 2024 Bali
  • 24-26 September 2024 Bandung
  • 22-24 Oktober 2024 Yogyakarta
  • 26-28 November 2024 Bogor
  • 17-19 Desember 2024 Malang


Online Class

  • Rp 5.500.000/peserta (Online Zoom Meeting)

Normal Class

  • Rp. 11.000.000,-/peserta (Jakarta)
  • Rp. 11.000.000-/peserta (Bandung)
  • Rp. 12.000.000,-/peserta (Yogyakarta)
  • Rp. 14.000.000,-/peserta (Bali)
  • Rp. 14.750.000,-/peserta (Lombok)
  • US$ 4780/peserta (Malaysia)

Kami menerima request waktu, tempat & fasilitas hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut.

Training Fundamentals of Petrophysics


Training Fundamentals of Petrophysics – Petrophysical is a branch of science of geophysics that studies the physical properties of a rock. The task is to interpret all the petrophysical data obtained up to the drilling stage only to determine what is in the trap. Traps are generally in the form of the anti-clinal shape or dome which hydrocarbons accumulate in the bottom of the bowl shaped like upside-down. When hydrocarbons increases and blocked because there is no way through the rocks and hydrocarbons can not rise again, then the hydrocarbons trapped under the Caprock and this condition is called trapped.

Like what detail the process and the technology used in the petrophysical process, in this auspicious occasion Training Center & ConsultanBMD Street Consulting intends to provide training related to the fundamentals of petrophysics very important followed by experts in the field of oil and gas to help the needs of the knowledge and ability in handling and petrophysical process.


After completing Training Fundamentals of Petrophysics participants are expected to:

  • Understanding the basic principles determining the petrophysical properties of the reservoir oil, natural gas production for the development of the implementation of the optimization in order to improve the performance of production wells and field.
  • Doing a simple diagnosis and determination memengerti implementation magnitudes petrophysical reservoir for backup purposes as well as forecasting the performance of oil and gas reservoirs.
  • Creating a simple analysis of the data for the calculation of petrophysical and reservoir performance forecasting and planning for its development.
  • Using knowledge of optimization for applications in the way of improving the acquisition of petroleum reservoirs, along with the basics of simulation


Background the participants are  : Operator, Senior Operator, Junior Engineering, Engineer.



  • Objectives
  • Basic Definitions

Rock Properties

  • Basic Rock Properties
  • Relative Permeability
  • Capillary Pressure

Fundamentals of Petrophysics

  • Porosity
  • Laboratory Porosity
  • Logging Porosity
  • Compressibility
  • Permeability
  • Laboratory Permeability
  • Factor Effecting Permeability Determination
  • Flow of Liquid
  • Flow of Gas
  • Average of Permeability
  • Flow in Channel and Fracture
  • Boundary Tension and Wettability
  • Conversion Factor Field Unit
  • Introduction Capillary Pressure
  • Laboratory Capillary Pressure
  • Capillary Permeability Relation
  • Fluid Saturation

Laboratory Fluid Saturation

Electric Properties of Reservoir Rock

Effect of Clay and Wettability

Effective-Relative Permeability

Three Phase Relative Permeability

Laboratory of Relative Permeability A

Laboratory of Relative Permeability B


Oil Recovery Factor

Screening Criteria EOR


3 Hari


Normal Class

Certificates, training modules, training kit, Lunch, Coffe break, training conducted in star


Call : 021 756 3091

Fax : 021 756 3291


0813 8280 7230, 0812 8931 1641

Email: [email protected]


Schedule Training Fundamentals of Petrophysics year 2024:

  • 06-08 Mei 2024 Bogor
  • 03-05 Juni 2024 Bali
  • 01-03 Juli 2024 Jakarta
  • 05-07 Agustus 2024 Yogyakarta
  • 02-04 September 2024 Bandung
  • 01-03 Oktober 2024 Surabaya
  • 04-06 November 2024 Bogor
  • 02-04 Desember 2024 Malang

INVESTATION (Exclude Hotels, Accomodation Transport and Tax) :

Online Class

  • Rp 5.500.000/peserta (Online Zoom Meeting)

Normal Class

  • IDR. 11.000.000,-/participant (Jakarta)
  • IDR. 11.000.000-/participant (Bandung)
  • IDR. 12.000.000,-/participant (Yogyakarta)
  • IDR. 14.000.000,-/participant (Bali)
  • IDR. 14.750.000,-/participant (Lombok)
  • US$ 4780/participant (Malaysia)

Note: We received a request to time, place and facilities contact us for more information

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Andini Eryani - Head OfficeCustomer Support

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