Training Water Flooding Basic Theory and Operation


After participate in thid Training Water Flooding Basic Theory and Operation, the participants will be abble and cappable to :

  • Understand the basic concept of waterflooding processes and how to operate this technology in field application.
  • Diagnostic of reservoir performance under actual drive mecanism and future performance under waterflooding processes.
  • Analyze the production potential of reservoir under waterflooding processes and to plan the field development.
  • Understand the fundamentals of microscopic and macroscopic aspects and phenomena of reservoir under waterflooding processes.


Basic Petroleum Engineering or field experience


No specified  (Operator/Sr. Operator/Engineer or Non Engineer)


Introduction to  Waterflooding

Microscopic Efficiency of Immicsible Displacement

  • Fluid and Rock Interaction
  • Methods of Inferring Fluid Distribution in Porous Media
  • Multiphaseflow in Porous Media
  • Residual Saturation
  • Mobilization of Residual Oil

Macroscopic Displacement Efficiency of a Linear Waterflood

  • Development of Equations
  • Frontal Advanced for Unsteady Displacement
  • Linear Waterflood
  • Numerical Model

Waterflood Displacement in Two Dimensions-Areal

  • Development of Equations
  • Fivespot Pattern
  • Scaled Laboratory Models
  • Prediction of Areal Displacement

Vertical Displacement in Linear and Areal Models

  • Layered Models
  • Gravity Segregation and Crossplot in Linear Reservoir
  • 2D Flow With Thichness-Averaged Properties
  • Scaled Laboratory Models

Waterflooding Design


3 Day


Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy), Quality training kits: bag, block note, ballpoint, including jacket, etc, Convenient training facilities in four or five stars hotel


Call : 021 756 3091

Fax : 021 756 3291


0813 8280 7230, 0812 8931 1641

Email: [email protected]


Jadwal Training Water Flooding Basic Theory and Operation 2024:

  • 14-16 Mei 2024 Bogor
  • 11-13 Juni 2024 Yogyakarta
  • 09-11 Juli 2024 Bali
  • 13-15 Agustus 2024 Jakarta
  • 10-12 September 2024 Yogyakarta
  • 08-10 Oktober 2024 Bandung
  • 12-14 November 2024 Bogor
  • 10-12 Desember 2024 Bali


Online Class

  • Rp 5.500.000/peserta (Online Zoom Meeting)

Normal Class

  • Rp. 11.000.000,-/peserta (Jakarta)
  • Rp. 11.000.000-/peserta (Bandung)
  • Rp. 12.000.000,-/peserta (Yogyakarta)
  • Rp. 14.000.000,-/peserta (Bali)
  • Rp. 14.750.000,-/peserta (Lombok)
  • US$ 4780/peserta (Malaysia)

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Mei Dwi - Head Office


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Umu Hanifatul - Head Office


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Eva Arlinda - Head Office


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Andini Eryani - Head Office


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Eva Arlinda - Head OfficeCustomer Support

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Andini Eryani - Head OfficeCustomer Support

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